Errors: The errors script pulls accumulated statistics from Linux's/ proc/ net/ and gives a snapshot of the overall transaction error rate for the access point. errors:errors脚本会对Linux的/proc/net/中的信息进行统计,并给出这个访问点的所有传输错误率的快照。
On the one hand, the more n influences an output node, the more n affects the net's overall error. 一方面,n影响一个输出节点越多,n造成网络整体的误差也越多。
If you create a new requirement and set the type to net. IpInterface, the error message disappears. 如果您创建了一个新的需求,并将类型设置为net.IpInterface,那么出错信息机会消失了。
Funnel plots were drawn to determine publication bias by plotting the net change in systolic BP against the reciprocal of the standard error of change in systolic BP. 通过绘制收缩期血压的网格变化与收缩期血压标准误差的倒数所得到的漏斗图,用此图去分析出版倾向。
Net error will cover up actual exists of census omissions and erroneous inclusions. U. 净误差掩盖了人口普查中所发生的错误计数和遗漏这两个方面的错误的真实情况。
There were significant differences between two groups in gross score, net score and error ratio. 治疗后两组间粗分、净分、失误率得分均有显著性差异。
NET to show more detailed error messages? NET以更为细致的显示错误信息?
The variation geometric constraint net is applied into fixture error forecasting. 将变动几何约束网络应用于夹具误差预测。
It is shown that using backward selection algorithm select centers can minimize the net work output error in great extent, make network structure more simple and more generalization and approximation. 用后向选择法选择中心能最大程度地减小网络的输出误差,使网络结构简化,并且具有更强的泛化能力和逼近能力。
In this thesis, feature-based parameterized design system based on UG Secondary development, Windows XP System and Microsoft Visual Studio. NET has been developed. A formed turning tool realizes zero error and high efficiency design. NET为开发环境的高精度、基于特征的参数化成形车刀CAD设计系统,实现了零误差设计精度,而且大大提高了设计效率。
The dynamic inversion controller is used to eliminate the nonlinearity and the online neural net is used to compensate the state error caused by the elimination imprecision. 动态逆控制器用来对消无人机的非线性,在线神经网络补偿对消不精确引起的状态误差。
When power net is in gear, relationship between the error and the amount of sampling points is same under ideal state of electrical power parameters. 在电网正常(允许畸变)情况下截断误差与采样点数的关系与理想波形时相同。
The application of BP nerve net in the error control course of RP/ RT integrated manufacturing system BP神经网络在RP/RT集成制造系统误差控制中的应用
The computation of the net lifting force of pilot balloon and error analysis 测风气球净举力的计算和误差分析
This will affect the performance of TCP seriously. In wireless net, Cumulative Explicit Transport Error Notification Scheme is used to improve the TCP performance. 无线网中,可以采用累积方式的显示传输错误通告(CumulativeExplicitTransportErrorNotification)机制来提高TCP的性能。
In this paper, two interpolating functions on the nodes of rectangle net have been established, and the error estimates have been obtained. 构造了两种在具有(n+1)2个节点的矩形网格上的插值函数,并给出了误差估计。NET对数据进行操作的能力。
There are a lot of control problems in computer net such as flow control, congestion control and error control. It is difficult to design and evaluate strategies of net control. 计算机网络中存在大量的控制问题,如流量控制、差错控制、拥塞控制等,通信网络的内在复杂性决定了网络控制问题的复杂性,这种复杂性使得设计和评价网络中的控制策略变得很困难。
In this paper, a mathematical model with the combination of artificial intelligent neural net "BP" and genetic algorithm "GA" was put forward and the defect of the neural net liable to fall into local least error was eliminated by genetic algorithm. 提出一种人工智能的神经网络(BP)和遗传算法(GA)相结合构成的数学模型,利用神经网络优势,通过遗传算法克服了神经网络容易陷入局部最小误差的缺陷。
Radar Net Contact Fusion Technique Based on Relative System Error Estimation 基于相对系统误差估计的组网雷达点迹融合技术
In the Artificial Neural Network establishing experiment, the influence of net structure, training function, the set of training error target, the structure of the samples. 在神经网络的实验中,分别探讨了网络隐层结点数、训练函数、训练误差目标的设置、样本的结构对网络性能的影响。
Two Extended Petri Net Models For Computing The Fibonacci Numbers And The Error Position Numbers 计算斐波那契数列和错位排列数的增广Petri网模型
Basing on the analysis of systematic error in radar net intelligence, a Least Square Relative Systematic Error Registration Method ( LSRSEM) is proposed. 基于雷达网系统误差分析,提出了一种简单、实用的数据配准算法,称为最小二乘相对系统误差配准法(LSRSEM),并给出了一种基于相对系统误差的多雷达数据配准工程实现方法。
The paper introduced measure principle about virtual value of current, voltage, power in electrified net and sampling error caused by these electricity signal waving, suggested tracking technic of sampling period and compensating method of treating sampled data with weighting modulus. 叙述电网电量测量原理,及电网波形随机波动引起的信号采样误差,提出了采样周期的跟踪技术以及在此基础上对采样数据加权处理的采样误差补偿方法。
The convergence and the accuracy of fuzzy-neural net method are proved by weight contrast and error analysis. 通过各次权值对比与误差分析,证明了神经网络的有效收敛及该方法的精确性。
At last the resistance net model test for the whole system and the error analysis are carried out. 对整个系统进行电阻网络物理模拟测试及误差分析,并对该系统进行水槽试验。
It has broad applications in the near future: quantum computer, quantum arithmetic, quantum game, quantum teleportation, quantum net, quantum storage, quantum error correction etc. 目前它包含众多的子学科,诸如:量子计算机,量子算法,量子博弈,量子通信,量子网络,量子存储,量子纠错等等。
Firstly DGPS positioning principle is explained, application of VRS NET corrects GPS orbit error and ionosphere 、 troposphere 、 atmosphere 、 refraction error, high positioning precision difference information is transmitted by GPRS to mobile machine in order to improve receiving machine positioning precision; 首先介绍VRS系统的工作原理,应用VRS网络改正GPS的轨道误差、电离层、对流层和大气折射引起的误差,将高精度的差分信息通过GPRS发给移动站来提高接收机的定位精度;
MPEG-4 is more advantageous than MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and H.263 in store capacity, quality of image, net transportation, and error resistance. MPEG-4和传统的MPEG-1、MPEG-2和H.263压缩标准相比,在存储容量、图像质量、网络传输、抗误码性等方面都具有巨大的优势。
However, the influence of the net request/ redeem to its tracking error is not very clearly. 而深100ETF的净申购赎回对其跟踪误差的影响并不十分清晰。